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View from Post Peak Pass, in the associated metavolcanic unit of the JLP, looking Northwest



I am a graduate student in geology at California State University, Fullerton under the advisement of Dr. Vali Memeti. My interests are in analyzing magmatic systems. Currently, I am looking at the volcanic-plutonic connections of the Jackass Lakes pluton in the Sierra Nevada batholith, where plutonic and volcanic rocks are nicely exposed and juxtaposed together. I use petrological, geochemical, and geochronological analysis of the volcanic and plutonic rocks to infer their relationships. This is accomplished by looking at differences and/or similarities in the age and composition of the rocks.

Since it is not possible to collect samples from magmatic chambers below active volcanoes, studying exhumed and uplifted plutonic bodies can be used to interpret the chemical and physical processes that might be occurring in magmatic systems underneath volcanoes around the world today. The relevance of this type of study is that it can be used for volcanic hazard mitigation by understanding the processes that could have occurred that triggered volcanic eruptions in the past.

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